torsdag 28. november 2013

Øsknelitse 2o13! (+ ikke-øsknelitse)

Jeg har også i år fått requests om ønskeliste, så tydeligvis er det noe som blir tatt i vurdering. Så ja hvorfor ikke. La meg se om jeg klarer å komme på flere materielle eiendeler jeg kunne tenke meg å fylle rommet mitt med. Jeg skal prøve å komme på mer enn ivertfall ti ting, sånn at faren for at DU skulle komme til å kjøpe det samme som noen andre blir mindre, så hurra.

Som alltid syns jeg det er lurt å ha en kort liten generell IKKE-ønskeliste. Så lenge du ikke kjøper noe av dette er du vanligvis safe, med mindre du finner noe veldig obskure greier som jeg ikke ville kommet på at jeg ikke trenger eller vil ha.

1. Dilldall og knickknacks (hvem vil ha sånt egentlig.. jeg kan ikke huske å ha fått noe sånt på noen år så well done, men bare minner dere på det.)
2. Tegneblokk (jeg er kjempeglad i dem men jeg har sånn.. tjue. Jeg trenger ikke flere)
3. Kjøkkenting (Fordi da må jeg dra dem tilbake til London. Om jeg kommer på noe som er verdt å dra med seg, da vil jeg skrive det i ønskelista)
4. dvd'er og cd'er og album osv. (bruker folk sånne fortsatt? De bare tar plass, kjøp et itunes-gavekort eller noe istedet, så kan jeg få det elektronisk istedet)
5. Sjampo/såpe/lotion-ting (små flasker er okidokies, men jeg vil helst slippe å ta med så tunge ting tilbake til england)
6. Når det gjelder klær og sånn: ikke for jentete og ikke for glammy og crazyfarga. og vertfall ikke floral patterns. grøss. 

ok det var de tingene jeg kan komme på som det er mulig at noen kunne ha kommet på å kjøpe men som jeg ikke egentlig er så gira på å få. Så nå som jeg har eliminert store deler av mange gaveavdeliner så sitter du sikkert og lurer på hva jeg forlanger. slapp av. 
først vil jeg bare si litt om generelle ting.. spesielt om du har tenkt å kjøpe klær, accessories, sånne ting jeg skal gå rundt med på kroppen. 

Her er det vanligvis et safe bet å gå for ting som er:
Naturfarger (grønn, brun, grå/svart/hvit, høst-oransje)
Ikke så mye mønster. unntak: mariusmønster og brede striper. 
Naturtema: trær, hjort, oter, blad, fuglær, fjær, you get it
Steampunk (vanligvis på smykker og sånn, innebærer ofte vintageting, tannhjul, maskineri (..bare google steampunk))
Verdensrommet, biologi og kjemi-ting er ganske gøy/kult

Klesstørrelse spør du?? wow frekk eller. Vanligvis er ting i medium perfekt, om det er en snill klesbutikk kan jeg bruke small. str 38-40 for både bukser og gensre, 39 i sko.

ØNSKELISTE (ikke i noe spesiell rekkefølge)

1. Ca$h (fordi det er dyrt å bo i London og jeg trenger ny PC, +det gjør ting ganske lett for deg)
2. Kortmappe (enkel plastmappe er best, helst med mer enn fem lommer)
3. Spisepinner
4. Øredobber 
5. Skjerf (De to jeg bruker nå har blitt litt lurvete)
6. Fingerløse votter (jeg har alt for få, og de jeg har forsvinner hele tida)
7. Fine hårstrikker (med små pynteting på kan være fint, sløyfer og sånn i guess.)
8. Stylus til ipaden
9. iTunes-gavekort (jeg har mange bøker jeg vil kjøpe. og et par spill...)
10. Grå (jente)vest (ønsket meg det i fjor og har enda ikke skaffet meg det! skammelig)
11. Neglelakk
12. Kaffesirup (a.k.a. flavoured syrup, hasselnøtt e min favourite)
13. Promarkers fra Letraset (bra men dyr tusj)
14. Gavekort fra Allsaints
15. Te. (grønn te-typa eller frukt-te-typa e best, helst i løsform)
16. Praktiske nøkkelringer (les: nøkkelringer som har et bruksområde)
17. Lomme-mikroskop (GISP kanskje det finnes et nøkkelring-mikroskop??)
18. Over-knee sokker
19. Kule shorts
20. Tjukke stilongs
21. Neglelakk-pensel, sånn for å tegne små ting på neglene
22. LANGE teskjeer. jeg har store glass og jeg bruker spisepinner for å røre i dem :/
23. Doftljos (duftlys altså. Helst noen små)
24. Spill på Steam! "Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs", uhmm.. skriver flere når jeg kommer på flere :l
25. Nintendo DS-spill! Jeg har bare Pokemon X.. Jeg vil ha; Okamiden og Luigi's mansion
26. Datamus, trådløs helst trur eg, og som kan plugges i en USB-port
27. Armbånd. ikke gull eller sølv-aktige, heller kobber-aktige eller i tøy.
28. Malepensler.. jeg har ødelagt de fleste jeg har :/
29. Svarte tusjpenner
30. Blekk, svart eller i crazye farga

Det er alt jeg kommer på så langt! Jeg skal sikkert til byen en tur snart, og da kommer jeg sikkert på mer ting jeg føler er nødvendig å ha. Da skal je fylle på mer :)

Takk for meeeej

søndag 5. mai 2013

TIC - Pencil test-thing!

Hellar u clevr peeps

I just needed some place to upload this low-res WIP version of my 1-min film "The Initial Collision".

Full version will be available on youtoob  soon!

torsdag 2. mai 2013

Sonja's topp ti hvordan ta grusom hevn


Skriver på norsk i dag jeg. Bare føler for å utestenge mesteparten av jordas befolkning i dag.
Just can't be asked. SÅåå

Jeg har ikke oppdatert her på ei stund så tenkte jeg skulle lage en liten.. ting. Bare for å holde ting i live. uhm. Det er ikke relevant til noe som helst egentlig. Untatt at, jeg har kind of lovet Magnus at han skulle få en appearance i bloggen min. sånn. for to måneder siden. Fordi han er en superstor fan og han ga meg en iPad i bursdagsgave, som er grei å tegne små krusedull-folk på. Skummelt hvor praktisk en iPad er til akkurat denne jobben faktisk.

Så denne ukens innlegg handler om hvordan man tar en grusom på en person som liker å gjøre seg utilgjengelig på facetime og skype og chat fordi vedkommende har nattjobb, og det er for det meste da jeg er våken og ikke på universitet. og OG, tidssone. så når det er sent der er det tidlig her. HAHhhhh that's it.

ok så her er min TOPP TI hvordan ta grusom hevn-liste.

nommer ein: Kaste dinosaurer på vedkommende. 
(for de som ikke er språkdyktige: "Nooo top iiii" = "No stop it" (="nei stopp"))

Nr 2: Bær vedkommende rundt

#3: Bytt ut vedkommendes Pepsi Max med Cåca Cåla

Numero quatro: Pek på vedkommende

#101^2: Bruk vedkommendes vannflaske 

Nummer sechs: Stikk av med vedkommendes fat og kopp

– – •••: Pust høyt mens vedkommende prøver å skrive essay

√64: "Glem" å kjøp Doritos til vedkommende etter butikktur

NEIN: Knytt vedkommendes skolisser
(sånn at de må knytes opp før de skal tas på neste gang også knytes IGJEN)

Nummer 10: Gi vedkommende en klem 



Fordi jeg kan. 

eller "a do wa' a wan'" som de kule kidsa her sier
Sånn det var alt egentlig. Håper det var hjelpsomt.
(og jeg håper du er fornøyd VEDKOMMENDE og syns innkjøp av ipad var verdt det. Din kariball)
Skal bli gøy til høsten, da skal Magnus flytte til England, reeett utafor London. Hhahahahhmeheheheee.

Tusen takk for meeeeg.

torsdag 18. april 2013

Tutorial: Animating in Photoshop

Hello and welcome to a Panimated Tutorial!

I recently made a downloadable template on deviantArt , so I thought I'd make a tutorial, in case people need help finding their way through the scary jungle that is animating in photoshop.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a mac, but it should work more or less the same on any Photoshop and OS's.

So here we are, let's get started! (click on the images if they are too small to see)

First, when you open your template, you'll see something like this...

(I'm using the half-version (har har literally har har) so no one will steal my precious frames. But it works JUST the same, so never fear.)

So, first off, you'll need the animation-window in photoshop... This will show you the animation, as frames. To open it, click Window>Animation.

You should now get something like this:

(Notice the window at the bottom.. This is the timeline, and every box is a frame.)

If your window looks different, with a long weird green bar and whatnot (I don't know myself), like this:

 Just click the little timeline-button in the bottom right of the same window.

It should change to that frame-by-frame-timeline-window you want.
(If you don't get the weird green bar, you're fine, don't click the button, just move on)

If you click the little Play-button on the bottom left in the window, you can see the animation! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
However it might stop after every time you play it, which is annoying. But you can make it run forever, in an endless loop, if you use the dropdown-menu to the bottom left in the animation-window.

watch it run and rund and run. Click the stop-button whenever you feel like it.

Next, lets get colouring this mutt.

You CAN draw straight on the art with the layer on it, but that's really not recommended. Let's make a layer for the colour. And yes, you'll have to colour every frame seperately.

As you see, the layer called "frame 1" is the only layer visible on frame one in the timeline. If you select the different frames, you'll see what layers are visible. If you select the second frame in the timeline, the layer called "frame 2" should be visible. To make layers visible/invisible, click the little eye to the left of the layer.

HERE'S A BIG TIP FOR YOU WHO ARE AS LAZY AS ME: If you think 12 frames is a lot to colour, just cut out every second frame, and use half the frames. Select frame 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 on the timeline, and drag them to the little bin-symbol on the bottom of the animation-window.
(your wolf will be running a lot faster now, so you might want to slow down the framerate. I'll talk about how to do this a little later.)

Let's move on to colouring. As you see in the last window, I've made a layer under frame 1 and called it colour1. You can call it whatever you want, but it's nice to know which frame it belongs to (thereof the number 1). let's splash some colour on this picture...

plop. But wait, what is this?? When you try and play the animation now, the colour is visible on all the frames! WHAAT THE FLIP

Don't worry, that's easy to fix. You see, every time you make a new layer, that will become visible on ALL the frames! Don't ask me why, that's just the way it is. I suggest you select all the frames, make the layer with the colour on it invisible. THEN, select the frame you just coloured, and make the colour-layer visible again.
Well, that is probably because you are on the first frame. The first frame is like a master-frame, so if you change something on that, ALL the other frames will change too.
Ughhh, I know, it's stupid. So you'll have to be careful.
Just make frame 1 right, then select all the other frames and make the unwanted layers invisible. make the colour-layer invisible again. ok. Now it should work. If it doesn't, just play around until it's right. It'll make sense after a while.


Keep making layers and adding colours...

I suggest you make a colour-layer for all the frames straight away (make sure the colour-layer is always under the line-art-layer, or else things will turn weird), then select frame one and make all the new colour-layers invisible. This way you can select the frames you want, when you want, and make the colour-layer that belongs to it visible as you go.

so the layers would be like this:

frame 3
colour 3
frame 2
frame 1
colour 1

and so on.

And the layers 'frame 1' and 'colour 1' will be visible on frame one in the timeline.
And the layers 'frame 2' and 'colour 2' will be visible on frame two in the timeline.

It kinda makes sense, right?

Now just keep going like this until you're done!

Make sure the layers that are supposed to be visible on this and that frame is visible when it's supposed to, and... that's it! You're pretty much done!
You can keep adding layers, maybe another colour-layer, or if you even want to add a scarf or hair, or legwarmers or shoes or horns or claws, you can do that as well! But your layers might become a mess, so I suggest you put things into folders. So everything on frame is in it's own folder, and everything that's in frame two is in another folder, etc.

........brilliant. Well you get the point.
Ok. Now, before we move on to saving this beauty...

Let's set the framerate. 

This animation fits well for 24 frames per second, so let's make every picture show for about 0.04 seconds.

Select all the frames (click first frame, hold shift, click the last frame) and click on one of the little numbers on the bottom of the frame (it already says 0.04 on this picture, but might not on yours).
Select "Other", and a box should pop up. Enter "0.04" and click ok. Now, if you play it, it should run at 24 fps! smooooth...

If you earlier did as I suggested, and deleted every second frame, you might want to decrease the framerate to 12 frames per second. If so, just enter "0.08" instead of "0.04".
You can also make it run at 12 fps if you simply want your wolf to run slower.

Here's what your wolf should look like if you kept all frames, and play it at 24 fps (0.04 sec per picture)


And here's what your wolf will look like if you kept all frames, but play it on 12 fps (0.08 sec per picture)
It's kinda nice, right? I think I prefer this one, to be honest. It's not as smooth, but it makes the movement a lot easier to look at.
And here's how it will look with half the frames cut, on 12 fps (0.08 sec per picture)

It's not as smooth, but it makes it twice as fast to animate!

OK! Last step! It's time to save this thing.

Go to File > Save for Web & Devices

And you'll get a big window popping up, looking something like this:

Before you click save, make sure the settings in the upper right corner looks more or less like this:

There are many ways to save the gif, but I use these settings. You can play around with the settings (it MUST be a gif though, or it won't be animated) and see how it affects the colours, appearance and filesize.

Click save, choose a location aaaaaand



Thank you for using this tutorial! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below.
Please consider buying the template as well  as I'm in need of some pennies, and if you're new to animating in photoshop, it's a great way to get started! THANK YOU!

søndag 17. februar 2013

Epic Shopping with Sonja


I think from now on I'll just write in English, because, you people home in Norway, you know English pretty well, so I think you can handle it. Seriously, a lot of Norwegians know better English than many English-speaking people. Weird, ey.
ANYWAYS I know it's weird and you won't get the regular, full experience of my exceptional writing skills, but it's really too bad to write in a language that only about (does math for like 20 minutes (seriously)) 0.067% of the world is speaking. ...approximately.
I might revert back a bit here and there if I come up with a pun or something that only works in Norwegian. Like a bonus for knowing norwegian! go learn a new language, eh

So anyways, I'm in my yearly only-listens-to-epic-soundtracks-phase, which makes a lot of things very epic. Sometimes maybe a bit ridiculously epic. I sometimes go shopping, and when I go alone I'm usually wearing headphones, listening to delicious, delicious music. This is what I've been wanting to illustrate for this blog-entry! HOLD ON, BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING ON AN EPIC SHOPPING TRIP

(and probably very short one too, not more than.. a minute or so. yeh.)

Anyways, FIRST, it's important that you get the right music ready, so you get in the epic mood I experience while I go shopping. So take this soundtrack on youtube:


(that's where it gets intense-ish)

(you should spend about 5-10 second on each picture or.. it'll be a bit short. uhm GO ON)













Congratulations, you just had an epic shopping trip. 
You can turn off the music now.

Because I can!

fredag 15. februar 2013

A Walrusy Valentine's day


Today I'm writing in English because I'm uploading some stuffy things that a classmate and I made.
So AH, YES, it's been valentine's day! We don't really celebrate it in Norway, so I don't care much for it. Or maybe we do celebrate it, and I just ignore it because I think it's... overly cheesy. And superficial. Even now that I have a boyfriend. WOO PRINCIPLES

SO anyways, I know it was yesterday, but I'm a genius and forgot my USB-stick at uni so I couldn't do this blog yesterday. I thought I'd have to wait until monday to get it back (one of my classmates held onto it for me), but then I ran into a nice little co-inkydink. I was going out to give a classmate of mine her sketchbook back (which I stole unintentionally) I ran into two of my other classmates just outside my door, and one of them were the one who had my USB-stick. So yeah, that's the story of how I lost and found my stupid, cheap little (undeservingly important) USB-stick in just two short days.


well, you see, we were working in flash that day, and it was valentine's day, as I said. Rachel who sat beside me was, should I say, a little distracted from the assignment. She was drawing walruses (which was actually a part of her project - to begin with) . She made a Elton-John-like "Walrus of love" first, then a french one. I joined in and made a russian one, and soon all the computers in the classroom had walruses of different nationality as their desktop background.

Behold, the walruses!

The first one, the Frence Amorous Walrus - By Rachel

I joined in with a russian one..

North-Korean walrus by Rachel.. (I think she knows their alphabet, but not the language - I know neither, so don't ask me what those sign at the bottom mean)

Patriotic walrus from the humble New World, made by me..

A kawaii walrus from Japan by Rachel

A beautiful she-male walrus, fresh from Brazil - By me

This mexican badass was made by Rachel

And the easiest one, with maybe the hardest one to find a quote for, we had to have an English one - by me.

And a Jamaican Walrus, and my favourite pun... By Rachel.

Our classroom is now 90% more lovable and has lost 100% of its buckets.
I'm sorry there's no norwegian one, but I thought.. they would just look like regular walruses, haaaha-

So that was pretty much what I did for valentine's. I made burgers for dinner, which I ate while talking to Magnus on Skype and mostly telling him to GTFO.
And then I watched Pokemon 2000.

Because I can <3

